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I have started to work with Alexandra almost five years ago. I have been through significant changes in my life, a divorce, a new relationship that fell apart, a five-year-old kid to take care of and a difficult job environment. I experiencing major anxiety, the need to regain control over my life which was all over the place, and after more than six years of psychotherapy, which gave me the feeling I had everything figured out, I was still feeling like a mess.
My roadmap of healing was vast, I went from psychotherapy, family constellations, astrology, numerology, shamanic healing which helped me a lot, energy cleaning, regression, hypnosis, TRE, acupuncture, dream work, meditation, found an amazing priest which guided me lovingly in my relationship with God and religion, but still something was missing. I still felt a big emptiness, a deep sadness, a “missing home”, a desire to go somewhere else, “I don’t belong here in this world”.
I already started my sessions with Alexandra, we worked on subconscious programs, releasing lots of ancestral trauma, started to dig in around each energy that got triggered in my life and found many aspects that were blocking my evolution.
What I found extraordinary while working with her, was that she was able to connect and figure out the nature of the energies and went directly into the source of trauma. She was balanced, never pushed anything but still very clear about the information. Her intuition is incredible, she kept her heart opened and was able to go into areas of healing which left us both amazed.
One day, during one of our sessions which seemed nothing more than an uncomfortable energy that we wanted to explore, went to my core source of trauma and found my starseed connection or actually, disconnection. She was not even aware of being a starseed herself, as she was guided to start supporting me in this process.
I remember that almost after three hours of working together that day, my whole world started to look completely different. A more beautiful experience started to open up. I started to feel “home” for the first time in my life. The emptiness disappeared and the deep sadness vanished and never came back. I am still sad sometimes when I experience a feeling of loss but never like that. Life begun for me at a whole different level. My energy started to rise and it continues to grow. Insights came, life settled down and somehow I managed to settle down into this life on Earth.
A while after, Alexandra experienced her own starseed awakening and we moved in parallel until this day. She is a healer with amazing connections and more than everything, she puts herself into service of others without tapping into ego or putting herself first. For me, this is one of the most important aspects when going to a healer: being balanced, tuned into the right source of energy and leaving ego aside completely.
Since then, she grew incredibly, her soul started to expand, her work is just purely amazing now. The first Light Language transmission that I heard filled my eyes with tears, it was something familiar as if I haven’t heard it in million years but I knew it so well. I keep listening to her videos on different topics and I always receive a new insight or something unveils itself after that.
For all Starseeds, this kind of work is crucial to be able to understand their true nature and balance the energy to the level for which we all came here. I love Alexandra for her kindness and for everything that she brought into this world and I always come back into working with her each time something new comes up. As the healing process might be sometimes long but it is a beautiful way that might bring us back to “Alice in Wonderland” – Alisa